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Browse our catalogue of rustic style items that have been carefully curated, upcycled and hand crafted ready to uniquely decorate your wedding or event.
We hope that our collections offer you plenty of choice to create the perfect rustic décor for your special day. All items listed can be hired individually but make sure you check out our packages and designs for inspiration of how to use them.

Bierkeller Tables and Benches

Apple Crates

Wooden Wine Box

Milk Churns

Whisky Barrels


Red Oil Churn


Petrol Cans

Oil Drum Bins


Jacobean Chairs

Vintage French Fruit Drying Rack

Vintage Wooden Buckets

Vintage Wooden Trug

Wicker Picnic Basket


Tealight Holders

Wagon Wheel

Cowboy Boots

Tin Baths

Metal Bucket

Watering Cans

Vintage Clothes Dryer

Cable Reels

Giant Thrones

Large Black Frame


Rustic Light Up Letters

Dog Cart

Raised Wooden Platters

Extra Tall Rustic Chairs

Vintage Wheel Barrow

Ladder Shelves

Frame of Frames

Victorian Ceramic Bottles

Extra Large Vases


Quirky Frogs

Order of the Day Sign

Macrame Backdrop

Hanging Frame Backdrop

Pallet Wall Backdrop

Large Frame Backdrop